Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) as saying: 1. When the time draws near (when the Resurrection is near) a believer's dream can hardly be false.  2. And the truest vision will be of one who is himself the most truthful in speech 3. for the vision of a Muslim is the forty-fifth part of Prophecy 4. and dreams are of three types: one good dream which is a sort of good tidings from Allah.  5. the evil dream which causes pain is from the Satan.  6. and the third one is a suggestion of one's own mind.  7. so if any one of you sees a dream which he does not like he should stand up and offer prayer and he should not relate it to people.’

Ḥudhayfah narrated:  We were at ꜤUmar’s when he said:1. “Who of you heard God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) mention temptations?”  2. Some people said: “We heard it”. He said: “Perhaps you mean the temptation a man may have in respect of his family or neighbours?” They said: “Yes”. He said: “These are erased by prayer, fasting and charity.  3. Who of you heard the Prophet mention the temptations that are like sea waves?” Hudhayfah said: “The people there remained silent, but I said: I did”. ꜤUmar said: “You did; how good of you”.  4. Hudhayfah said: “I heard God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) say: ‘Temptations are held before hearts, one by one, like a straw mat.  5. A heart which takes one will have a black spot and a heart which rejects one will have a white spot  6. until there are two types of heart: one is white and solid like al-Ṣafā which will not be shaken by any test as long as the heavens and earth endure, and the other is black with a little whiteness, like an overturned cup which neither distinguishes what is good nor rejects what is evil, except what it may fancy’”.  7. Ḥudhayfah said: “And I told him: Between you and such temptations is a closed door which is about to be broken”. ꜤUmar said: “You mean it will be broken? Were it to be opened, it may be closed again”. I said: “No. It will be broken. And I told him that this door is a man who will be killed or will die. That is a statement that is free from error”.

Maqil ibn Yasār narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: Worship during times of turmoil is like migration to join me.

Abu Saīd and Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:  Whatever affliction, trouble, distress, grief, harm, or sorrow hurts a believer, even if it is merely a thorn, ensures that God will wipe away some of his sins for suffering it.

Anas ibn Mālik narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 1. Every human being is prone to error,  2. and the best of those who err are the ones who turn to God in repentance.

Abu Hurayrah narrated that God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: 1. Whoever has done something wrong to his brother, touching his honour or something else, should set things right with him today, before a time will come when there will be neither gold nor silver currency.  2. [What will happen then is that] if he has good deeds in his record, something equal to his wrong will be taken away. If he has no good deeds, some of the bad deeds of the other person will be transferred to him.

ꜤAmr ibn al-ꜤĀṣ narrated: 1. When God turned my heart towards Islam I went to the Prophet (peace be upon him) and said: ‘Put out your right hand to accept my pledge’.  2. He put out his right hand, but I held back my hand. He said: ‘What is the matter, ꜤAmr?’ I said that I wanted to make a condition. He said: ‘What condition is that?’ I said: ‘That I am forgiven’.  3. He said: ‘Do you not know that Islam demolishes what went on before it?  4. And that migration wipes away what went before it?  5. And that the pilgrimage wipes away what went before it?’

Ḥakīm ibn Ḥizām narrated, saying:  1. I said: ‘Messenger of God, do you think that the good deeds I used to do in my pre-Islamic days in the way of worship, such as charitable donations, freeing slaves and maintaining ties of kinship will earn me reward?’  2. The Prophet answered: ‘When you become a Muslim you keep the good actions you have already done’. 

Abu Hurayrah narrated that: heard Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) as saying: 1. Allah created mercy in one hundred parts   2. and He retained with Him ninety-nine parts, and He has sent down upon the earth one part,   3. and it is because of this one part that there is mutual love among the creation so much so that the animal lifts up its hoof from its young one, fearing that it might harm it.

Anas ibn Mālik narrated:  1. I heard God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) say: God, Blessed and Exalted, says: ‘Son of Adam, so long as you call upon Me and ask of Me, I shall forgive you what you have done, and I shall not mind.   2. Son of Adam, were your sins to reach the clouds in the sky and were you then to pray for My forgiveness, I would forgive you, and I shall not mind.  3. Son of Adam, were you to come to Me with sins nearly as great as the earth and were you then to meet Me, ascribing no partner to Me, I would bring you forgiveness nearly as great as the earth’.