Principal hadiths covering areas of the faith

"And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds" [Surah Al-Anbiya: 107].

In every word and action of our Prophet ﷺ, there is guidance and mercy, and people everywhere and at all times are in dire need of this bestowed mercy and favor. His guidance and mercy ﷺ continued after his death in his Sunnah and Hadiths, which are his legacy to the worlds and his means of guiding them to the best of this world and the hereafter. The world - all of it, with its diverse peoples, languages, and countries - greatly needs this great guidance: "And We have not sent down to you the Book except that you may clarify for them that wherein they differ, and as guidance and mercy for a people who believe" [Surah An-Nahl: 64].

This product has compiled 150 prophetic hadiths distributed across the branches of religion; starting with hadiths in the branches of faith, then the branches of worship, then the branches of transactions, followed by the branches of commands and prohibitions, and finally the branches of spirituality and ethics. They have been made accessible to people in the language and tools of our time through a range of services, including:

Expanded explanations,The Hadith Tree, which links the core hadiths with other authentic prophetic hadiths for those who want to explore all the hadiths of each branch, The service of linking hadiths with the book "Fiqh and Following"; a concise explanation designed artistically, focusing on the concise jurisprudence of the hadith, with contemporary practical guidance to deepen adherence to each hadith, An educational curriculum, and knowledge products in visual, auditory, and video formats.

Success is from Allah alone.

Hadiths projects