Abu Hurayrah narrated that God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said:  1. Hasten to do good deeds before troubles come thick like patches of night darkness,  2. when a man may be a believer in the morning and becomes an unbeliever in the evening, or may be a believer in the evening, then become an unbeliever in the morning.  3. He sells his faith for some worldly gain. Related by Muslim, 118.

Maḥmūd ibn Labīd narrated that God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: 1. The thing I fear for you most is the lesser idolatry. 2. People said: What is the lesser idolatry, Messenger of God? 3. He said: Dissimulation. 4. When mankind are given the reward for their deeds on the Day of Judgement, God, Mighty and Exalted, will say to them: 5. Go to those for whom you dissimulated during your lives and find out whether they have some reward for you. Related by Ahmad in al-Musnad , 23630 ; al-Bayhaqī in Shu‘ab al-Īmān , 6412.

‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Amr narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 1. Four qualities: whoever combines them is a total hypocrite, and whoever has one of them has a quality of hypocrisy unless he abandons it: 2. when he is placed in trust, he betrays; 3. when he speaks, he lies; 4. when he gives a pledge, he is treacherous; 5. and when he quarrels, he resorts to falsehood.

‘Āʼishah; she said that God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said Whoever introduces into this matter of ours something that does not belong to it will have it rejected.

  Abu Hurayrah narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said: 1. This religion is easy. 2. No one shall pull against this religion but will be defeated. 3. Therefore, seek what is right and what is close to it, 4. and be happy. 5. Seek the easier two ends of the day and a portion of the night.

Ṭalḥah ibn ‘Ubaydullāh narrated that 1. A man from the people of Najd, with dishevelled hair, came to God’s Messenger (peace be upon him). We could hear his voice [as he was coming] but did not understand what he said, until he was close to the Prophet. He was asking about Islam. 2. The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: ‘Five prayers during the day and night’. He asked: ‘Any more as a binding duty?’ The Prophet said: ‘No, unless you wish to voluntarily add more’. 3. God’s Messenger said: ‘And fasting during the month of Ramadan’. He asked: ‘Any more [fasting] as a binding duty?’ The Prophet said: ‘No, unless you wish to give more’. 4. The Prophet then told him about zakat. The man asked: ‘Any more duty?’ The Prophet said: ‘No, unless you wish to add at your own behest’. 5. The man turned to leave and said: ‘By God, I shall not do more than this and will not omit any of it’. 6. The Prophet said: ‘He will be successful, if he is true to his word’. A different version puts it: ‘He will be in Heaven if he is true to his word’.

‘Āʼishah narrated that God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: 1. Ten practices are [aspects of] sound human nature: 2. trimming one’s moustache, 3. leaving one’s beard, 4. brushing teeth, 5. inhaling water, 6. clipping nails, 7. washing finger joints, 8. plucking armpit hair, 9. shaving pubic hair 10. And reducing water. 11. Muṣab said: ‘I have forgotten the tenth, but perhaps it is rinsing one’s mouth’.

Abu Hurayrah narrated saying:  1. A man asked God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) saying: Messenger of God, we travel by sea and carry a small amount of water with us. If we use it for ablution, we will go thirsty. Can we perform the ablution with sea water?  2. God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: [As for the sea] its water is pure;  3. And its dead [animal] is permissible to eat.

Ḥumrān, ‘Uthmān’s mawla narrated that:  1. ‘Uthmān ibn ‘Affān called for water and he performed the ablution: he washed his hands three times, then rinsed his mouth and blew his nose. He then washed his face three times, then washed his right hand up to the elbow three times, then washed his left hand in the same way. He then wiped his head, then washed his right foot up to the ankle three times, then his left foot in the same way.  2. He then said: ‘I saw God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) performing the ablution in a way similar to what I have done  3. then God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: “Whoever performs the ablution in a similar way to what I have done now, then stands up and offers two rak‘ahs during which he thinks of nothing [other than his prayer] is forgiven whatever sin he did”’. 4. Another version related by Muslim adds: ‘and his prayer and walk to the mosque will be a gain’.

‘Ammār ibn Yāsir narrated:  1. God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) sent me on an errand, and I happened to be in a state of ceremonial impurity, but could not find water. I soaked myself with dust just like animals do. When I later met the Prophet I mentioned this to him.  2. He said: ‘It would have been sufficient for you to do this with your hands’, and he then struck the earth with his hands once, and wiped his right hand with his left hand and wiped the back of his hands and face.

Jābir said: I heard the Prophet (peace be upon him) say: ‘What separates a person from disbelief and associating partners with God is negligence of prayer’.

Mālik ibn al-Ḥuwayrith narrated:  1. We came to the Prophet, a group of young men of roughly the same age, and stayed with him twenty nights. When he felt that we missed our people, he asked us about the families we had left behind and we told him.  2. God’s Messenger was compassionate and kind. He said: “Go back to your people and stay with them,  3. Teach them and instruct them.  4. Pray as you have seen me pray.  5. When prayer is due, let one of you say the call to prayer [i.e. the adhān], and let your eldest lead the prayer”. Related by al-Bukhari, 6008; Muslim, 674.

Abu Hurayrah narrated:  1. God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) entered the mosque. A man came in and offered a prayer, then came forward and greeted God’s Messenger (peace be upon him). The Prophet replied with a greeting then said: ‘Go back and pray, for you have not prayed’.  2. The man went back and prayed in the same way as he prayed earlier. He then returned to the Prophet and greeted him. The Prophet said: ‘And peace be to you’. He then said: ‘Go back and pray, for you have not prayed’. He did this three times. The man said: ‘By Him who sent you with the message of the truth, I know nothing better than this. Teach me’.  3. The Prophet said: ‘When you stand up to pray, say Allah-u akbar.  4. then recite of the Qur’an what comes easy to you.  5. Then bow until you are well positioned in bowing, then raise yourself until you stand up well. Then you prostrate yourself until you are well positioned in prostration, then raise yourself until you are well positioned seated. Do this throughout your prayer’. Related by al-Bukhari, 757; Muslim, 397.

Abu Hurayrah narrated from the Prophet (peace be upon him). He said:  1. If anyone offers a prayer without reciting the Mother of the Qur’an, it falls short’. He repeated it three times, ‘not perfect’.  2. It was said to Abu Hurayrah: ‘We are praying behind the imam’. He said: ‘Recite it in silence.  3. I heard God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) say: “God, the Exalted, said: I have divided prayer in two halves between Myself and My servant. My servant shall have what he requests.  4. When God’s servant says: ‘All praise be to God, the Lord of all the worlds’, God will say: ‘My servant has praised Me’. When he says: ‘the Lord of Grace, the Ever-Merciful’, God will say: ‘My servant has extolled Me’. When he says: ‘Master of the Day of Judgement’, God will say: ‘My servant has glorified Me’. (In one narration: My servant has submitted himself to Me.)  5. When he says: ‘You alone do we worship and to You alone do we turn for help’, God will say: ‘This is between Myself and My servant. My servant shall have what he requests’.  6. When he says: ‘Guide us on the straight path, the path of those on whom You have bestowed Your favours, not those who have incurred Your wrath, nor those who have gone astray’, God will say: ‘This is granted to My servant, and My servant shall have what he requests’”. Related by Muslim, 395.

‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Umar and Abu Hurayrah narrated that they both heard God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) say as he was standing on the steps of his platform: Some people shall stop neglecting Friday Prayer or else God will seal their hearts and then they will be among the heedless. Related by Muslim, 865.

Anas ibn Mālik narrated saying:  When God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) migrated to Madinah, its people used to celebrate two days. He asked: ‘What are these two days about?’ They said: ‘We used to celebrate them prior to Islam’. God’s Messenger said: ‘God has replaced them for you with two better days: the Day of [Eid] al-Aḍḥā and the Day of [Eid] al-Fiṭr’. Related by Abu Dāwūd, 1134; al-Nasāʼī, 1556.

‘Abdullāh ibn ‘Umar narrated that God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said: Congregational prayer is twenty-seven degrees better than that of a person praying alone. Related by al-Bukhari, 645; Muslim, 650.

Abu Hurayrah narrated that God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said:  1. The places God loves best in all lands are their mosques  2. and the ones He most dislikes are their markets.   Related by Muslim, 671

‘Abdullāh ibn Mu‘āwiyah narrated that the Prophet (peace be upon him) said:  1. Whoever does three things will experience the taste of faith.  2. To worship God alone [believing] that there is no deity other than God;  3. To give the zakat due on his property willingly and cheerfully, as it becomes due every year;  4. Not to give [in zakat] an old animal, or one with scabies, or a sickly one, or a small unwanted one;  5. But choose from among the average of your property. God has neither required you to give the best, nor told you to choose the worst. Related by Abu Dāwūd, 1582.

Abu Hurayrah narrated that God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) said:  1. People! [Know that] God is good and He only accepts what is good.  2. God has commanded the believers the same as He commanded messengers, as He says: ‘Messengers! Eat of that which is wholesome, and do good deeds: I certainly have full knowledge of all that you do’. (23: 51) And: ‘Believers, eat of the wholesome things We have provided for you’. (2: 172)  3. He then mentioned the case of a man who goes on a long travel, uncouth with dust on his body. He raises his hands to the sky and says, ‘My Lord! My Lord!’ Yet, his food is unlawfully earned; his drink is unlawfully earned; his clothes are unlawfully earned; and he was fed, when young, with what was unlawfully earned. How can such a supplication be answered? Related by Muslim, 1015.