عن أبي هُرَيرة رضي الله عنه، قال: خطَبَنا رسولُ الله ﷺ، فقال: «أيُّها الناسُ، قد فرَضَ اللهُ عليكم الحجَّ؛ فحُجُّوا»، فقال رجُلٌ: أكلَّ عامٍ يا رسولَ الله؟ فسكَتَ حتى قالها ثلاثًا، فقال رسول الله ﷺ: «لو قلتُ: نَعمْ، لوجَبتْ، ولَمَا استطعتم». ثم قال: «ذَروني ما تركتُكم؛ فإنما هلَك مَن كان قبلَكم بكثرة سؤالهم، واختلافهم على أنبيائهم، فإذا أمرتُكم بشيءٍ فأْتوا منه ما استطعتم، وإذا نَهيتكم عن شيء فدَعوه»

Abu Hurayrah narrated, saying: 

1. God’s Messenger (peace be upon him) addressed us and said: ‘God has made the hajj obligatory to you, people, so perform the hajj’.  2. A man said: “Every year, Messenger of God?” The Prophet remained silent while the man repeated his question three times.  3. God’s Messenger said: ‘Had I said, “Yes”, it would be a duty and you would not be able to fulfil it’.  4. He then added: ‘When I leave out something, let it be.  5. People before you were ruined by asking too many questions and by their disobedience of their prophets.  6. When I give you an order, fulfil it as best you can, and if I prohibit you something, abandon it’.

Related by Muslim, 1337.

Related Quranic Verses

Perform to their completion both the pilgrimage and the Ꜥumrah purely for God’s sake.

(2: 196)

Pilgrimage to this House is a duty owed to God by all people who are able to undertake it. As for those who disbelieve, God does not stand in need of anything in all the worlds.

(3: 97)

Believers, do not ask about matters which, if made known to you, may cause you hardship. If you should ask about them while the Qur’an is being revealed, they shall be made plain to you. God will forgive you these; for God is much-forgiving, clement. (101) People before your time inquired about them, and on that account they came to deny the truth.

(5: 101-102)

It is He who has chosen you, and has laid no hardship on you in [anything that pertains to] religion

(22: 78)

Whatever the Messenger gives you, take it; and whatever he forbids you, abstain from it. Remain God-fearing; for God is severe in retribution.

(59: 7)

Therefore, remain God-fearing as best as you can.

(64: 16)

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