52 - Rulings applicable to prayer

عن أبي سُليمانَ مالكِ بنِ الحُوَيْرثِ رضي الله عنه، قال:أَتَينا النبيَّﷺ ونحن شَبَبةٌ مُتقارِبون، فأقمْنا عنده عِشرين ليلةً، فظنَّ أنَّا اشتَقْنا أهْلَنا، وسألَنا عمَّن ترَكْنا في أهلنا، فأخبرناه، وكان رفيقًا رحيمًا، فقال: «ارْجِعوا إلى أهلِيكم،فعلِّموهم ومُروهم،وصلُّوا كما رأيتموني أُصلِّي،وإذا حضَرتِ الصلاةُ، فلْيُؤذِّنْ لكم أحدُكم، ثم لِيَؤُمَّكم أكبَرُكم»

Mālik ibn al-Ḥuwayrith narrated: 

1. We came to the Prophet, a group of young men of roughly the same age, and stayed with him twenty nights. When he felt that we missed our people, he asked us about the families we had left behind and we told him.  2. God’s Messenger was compassionate and kind. He said: “Go back to your people and stay with them,  3. Teach them and instruct them.  4. Pray as you have seen me pray.  5. When prayer is due, let one of you say the call to prayer [i.e. the adhān], and let your eldest lead the prayer”.

Related by al-Bukhari, 6008; Muslim, 674.

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