عن سفيانَ بنِ عبد الله الثقفيِّ قال: قلتُ: يا رسولَ الله، قل لي في الإسلام قولًا لا أسأل عنه أحدًا بعدكَ - وفي حديث أبي أسامة: غيرَك – قال: «قل: آمنتُ بالله، فاستقم».

Sufyān ibn ‘Abdullāh al-Thaqafī narrated: 

1. I said: ‘Messenger of God, tell me something of Islam about which I will not need to ask anyone after you’. (In Abu Usāmah’s narration: ‘about which I will not need to ask anyone else’.)  

2. The Prophet said: ‘Say: I believe in God, then steadfastly pursue the right way’.

Summary of Meaning

One of the Prophet’s companions wanted the Prophet to give him a comprehensive statement that sums up what is required of a Muslim. The Prophet told him that he needed to believe and to steadfastly remain a believer.  

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