عن ابن عبَّاس رضي الله عنه قال: (بُعِثَ رسولُ الله لأربعين سنةً، فمكثَ بمكةَ ثلاثَ عشْرةَ سنةً يُوحَى إليه، ثم أُمِر بالهجرةِ فهاجر عشْرَ سنين، ومات وهو ابنُ ثلاثٍ وستينَ سنةً)

Ibn ‘Abbās narrated:

  The Prophet (peace be upon him) was given his message when he was forty years of age.  He continued to live in Makkah receiving revelations for thirteen years. He was then commanded to migrate and he stayed in his place of migration for ten years. He passed away when he was sixty-three years old.

Summary of Meaning

Ibn ‘Abbās mentions some of the important points in the Prophet’s life. He states that his prophethood started when he was forty years of age. He migrated from Makkah to Yathrib, which was subsequently named Madinah, thirteen years later. He stayed in Madinah for ten years and then passed away to be with his Lord when he was sixty-three.

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